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Some collaborations grow stronger and stronger every day.

HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE ITALY has chosen to dedicate the month of May to music, to the first open-air concerts, to beautiful festivals and tours in the pipeline, and to international initiatives involving that form of art.

We met Mille Punti, a Milanese singer, the face of the new banners for HUMANA VINTAGE online store taken at our studios.

A new playlist was born from this relaxed chat: MILLE PUNTI x EPHOTO.


How and when was Mille Punti born? How did the name come about?

The project came about in 2018 after the breakup of Revo Fever, my previous band who I had been playing with since high school. After so much time spent in a creative group setting, with all its pros and cons, I was itching for a new challenge and to “strike out on my own,” exploring the world of disco music that I had always liked despite being quite different from the music I used to make with Revo. The funny thing is that the name was chosen last, I already had the name of the album (Retrofuturo) but not the name of the project itself: all of a sudden, like an epiphany, I came up with Mille Punti, which is an exclamation as if to say “Bravo, a thousand points for you!” but at the same time it recalls a cosmic starry sky that I really like.

Your new album Supervintage Disco Rave” is a tribute to the world of disco with a ‘70s feel.

What meaning does vintage have for you and what value does it have in your music?
It is definitely a distinctive element of my music but I don’t want to fall into the trap of Pastism, I always like to think ahead and not just pay homage to what has already been. So let’s say I tend to take elements from the past and manipulate them to create something that looks forward to the future.
Humana Vintage dedicated the month of May to music. How is this fashion/music dualism evolving, from your point of view? How do you think these two areas can support each other?
When I write a song I think of imagery, a particular combination of feelings, images, colors, shapes. Fashion and clothing certainly help to characterize imagery by immediately conveying a particular appearance of the music. As far as I am concerned, for example, flared pants or glittery shades immediately refer to the disco music world I draw inspiration from, just as patches recall ‘90s rave that also participates in the imagery behind Supervintage Disco Rave
If you had to describe Mille Punti through outfits / a movie / a place / a sport (or a sports game)
Bell bottoms, The Night Warriors, AC Milan, Cruijff’s Total Dutch soccer