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To mark its 10th anniversary, EPHOTO is proud to announce that it has been awarded an important B Corp certification.

B Lab – an international non-profit organization – recently granted EPHOTO official B Corp status, giving the company well-deserved recognition for operating according to high standards in terms of ethical and sustainable issues. The ultimate objective of B Lab, along with companies like EPHOTO who have achieved this important certification, is to promote continuous all-round progress towards its stakeholders through networking and an approach aimed at achieving outstanding performance, but not just in economic terms. The mission for certified companies is to consider environmental and social performance on a par with economic results, focusing just as much on business as on positive social and environmental efforts and initiatives.

1. Being a Responsible Company


We aim to operate as a responsible company by putting sustainability and transparency towards people, territories, assets, social and cultural activities, organizations and associations, and other stakeholders first.

The regulations

Therefore, for the law of 28 December 2015 Article One, Paragraphs 376-384, the company intends to pursue multiple purposes of common benefit, operating, as mentioned before, responsibly. The guiding principle is to give awareness and values to all who will be involved in our projects through continuous improvement.

Paragraph 376

Furthermore, the law mentioned above aims to promote and disseminate benefits to societies and their establishment, which, within economic activity and sharing profits, pursue multiple charitable purposes by operating responsibly and transparently.

2. Our commitment

Carbon Footprint

EPHOTO has undertaken a path to mitigate and offset its CO2 emissions during 2022.

The commitment and sensitivity towards environmental issues but not only, officially takes hold starting from November 2021, with the official transition to Benefit Company, which led the agency to operate in a more responsible and transparent manner in order to generate a positive impact on the environment, people and communities.

This subsequently made it possible to define objectives to be achieved, such as: the transition to the use of energy from 100% renewable sources in May 2022 and the compensation, in December 2022, of the emissions generated by office activities carried out in 2021 .

The project, developed thanks to the collaboration of Renovit, an Energy Service Company which aims to contribute to the country’s energy transition, was characterized by an initial analytical phase and identification of the main emission sources linked to the activities and calculation of the environmental impact in terms of CO2 equivalent.

The impact of the emissions generated, in the year 2021, was quantified and subsequently, through the Carbon Offsetting mechanism, it was chosen to support “The Project: 100.5 MW Wind Power Project” in Madhya Pradesh, India which consists of the construction of 67 1.5 MW generators generating clean electricity through wind energy.

La Carovana dei Ghiacciai 2023

“It has been exactly one year since the start of the last Carovana dei Ghiacciai. The excitement of the last edition, due to the anticipation and the unknown, gives way to the need to revisit the people and places that are now very dear to me in this year’s edition. Beautiful landscapes that are not part of everyday life for someone from Rome,” says David Fricano, photo and video reporter for EPHOTO.

EPHOTO continues to collaborate with LEGAMBIENTE, for the second year running, supporting the CAROVANA DEI GHIACCIAI 2023 edition as its Media Partner.

From 20 August to 10 September 2023, the international campaign promoted by Legambiente and CIPRA (International Commission for the Protection of the Alps), with the scientific partnership of the Italian Glaciological Committee (CGI), will travel along the Alps in its fourth edition.
Six stops between Italy, Austria and Switzerland to highlight the bleak retreat of the glaciers. Monitoring, outreach, high-altitude hikes, art and music at every stage raise awareness of the need to tackle the climate crisis.
A high-altitude journey to witness the dramatic retreat of glaciers, the ultimate guardians of the changing climate. A mission to raise awareness of what is happening so that everyone acts concretely to reduce the global temperature and its effects.

Taking action together: Ephoto goes to zero waste

Our promise is to reduce the amount of waste we produce: consume only what is necessary, reuse what can be reused, and recycle what can be recycled. We provide purified water dispensers in our studios and have produced a water bottle for our team to raise awareness of plastic waste and the right daily water requirement.


A new social partnership with Humana People to People Italy

EPHOTO is committed to supporting Humana Italia in the production and realization of all the photographic content for the new online shop: from the creative art direction to the banners for the home page, from the shooting sessions to the promo or technical tips. Humana Italia, a member of the Humana People to People Federation present in 45 countries, has been active in Italy since 1998. The organization is committed to the collection and selection of clothes that are no longer worn, in order to give them a second life through reuse and recycling, thus generating both environmental and social benefits.



We like to think that our team can discover or deepen new practices and rituals for their mind and body.
We have activated for all of them a subscription with CIAOMONDO, a personal space in which to grow and evolve, practice, cry and laugh, relax, share emotions.
A platform where you can feel good and find your balance in the present and work on your future through yoga, movement and meditation.

We support and are partners of:










3. Code of Ethics

The company EPHOTO, has decided to adopt its own Code of Ethics that constitutes the point of reference for all those who carry out their activities on behalf of and in the interest of the company. The Code of Ethics, approved by the Board of Directors on November 11, 2021, brings together the present ethics of the company and creates the conditions to generate new thinking and behaviour, constituting the set of ethical principles and values that must guide the activities of all those who work in EPHOTO, taking into account the importance of their roles, the complexity of their functions and the responsibilities entrusted to them for the pursuit of the purposes of the Company. The orientation towards ethics is an indispensable approach for the reliability of behaviour towards stakeholders and, more generally, towards the entire context in which the Company operates.

4. Sustainability Report 2022
5. Certification Note

B Corporation is a trademark licensed by B Lab (a private, non-profit organization) for companies that, like us, have successfully completed the B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) and meet B Lab’s requirements for social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency.
It specifies that B Lab is not a conformity assessment body under Regulation (EU) No. 765/2008 or a national, European or international standardisation body under Regulation (EU) No. 1025/2012. BIA criteria are separate and distinct from harmonised standards issued by ISO or other standardisation bodies and are not ratified by national or European public bodies.